Wednesday, June 24, 2015

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What am I doing to prepare for the Savior's second coming?

Mark 13 is filled with warnings such as "take heed" and "watch".  I love the warnings that have been left for us in the scriptures.  We know that in the final days, things will become difficult.  If we aren't close to the Lord then it is very possible that we'll become lost. Some of the warnings that are given in Mark are to watch for false christ's that seek to decieve, after tribulations the sun will darken and the moon will be without light, and we must take heed and watch and pray because we don't know the time when the Savior will come again, only he knows. 

How can I prepare to for the second coming? From the assigned scriptures I found that I must stand in holy places.  To me this means to be temple worthy at all times. I must be able to stand in the Lord's house at any time and that means I must be living my covenants. Next, I must live in a way that I can have the holy ghost as a guide and the last thing that I want to list is to be faithful, prayerful and prepared just as the virgins with oil in their lamps were. Five of the virgins represented what is required in order to be prepared to meet the Savior.  The five wise virgins were: " christ like, repentant and forgiving, partook of ordinances and temple work, filled with truth, light and knowledge, and possessed charity and a willingness to serve.  

I love in Mark 13:37 the heed to "Watch"! I know that as I live worthy to my covenants, am humble, charitable, and seek after being christ like I will be able to "watch" and see the signs of the last days. I pray that I can live worthy enough to be reunited with my Savior one day.  I look forward to that joyous reunion and the opportunity that I'll have to thank him for this love and sacrifice. 

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