Monday, July 16, 2012

Quotes on Temple Attendance:

I liked this quote because each of us know our own situations, and circumstances.  We must set our own goals according to our life and what it can allow for temple attendance.

"I encourage you to establish your own goal of how frequently you will avail yourself of the ordinances offered in our operating temples. What is there that is more important than attending and participating in the ordinances of the temple? What activity could have a greater impact and provide more joy and profound happiness than worshipping in the temple"? (Elder Richard G. Scott, How Can We Make the Most of Temple Attendance,General Conference, April 2009, )

I chose this quote because it teaches me that the Lords teachings are symbolic and it is the same way in the temple.

"If you will go to the temple and remember that the teaching is symbolic, you will never go in the proper spirit without coming away with your vision extended, feeling a little more exalted, with your knowledge increased as to things that are spiritual. The teaching plan is superb. It is inspired. The Lord Himself, the Master Teacher, taught His disciples constantly in parables—a verbal way to represent symbolically things that might otherwise be difficult to understand".(Elder Boyd K. Packer, The Holy Temple, Ensign, Feb. 1995, )

Blessings come to those that attend the temple.

"The Lord will bless us as we attend to the sacred ordinance work of the temples. Blessings there will not be limited to our temple service. We will be blessed in all of our affairs." (Elder Boyd K. Packer, The Holy Temple, Ensign, Feb. 1995, )

Wearing the garment at all times has a profound influence on our life.

"The wearing of the temple garment bears great symbolic significance and represents a continuing commitment. Just as the Savior gave us an example of His ability to endure to the end, wearing the garment is one way we demonstrate enduring faith in Him and in His eternal covenants with us". (Elder Russell M. Nelson, Prepare for the Blessings of the Temple, Liahona 2010, )

Temple attendance gets us closer to our goal of eternal life.

"If we are true and faithful in this life, we may obtain eternal life. Immortality is to live forever. Eternal life means more than simply being immortal. Eternal life is to gain exaltation in the highest heaven and live in the family unit. God declared that His grand mission statement—“my work and my glory”—is “to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.” His gift of immortality is unconditional—a free gift of salvation to all humankind. The possibility of eternal life—even exaltation—is available to us through our obedience to covenants made and ordinances received in holy temples of God" (Elder Russell M. Nelson, Prepare for the Blessings of the Temple, Liahona 2010, )

Many blessings can come from attending the temple.

"When you attend the temple and perform the ordinances that pertain to the house of the Lord, certain blessings will come to you You will receive the spirit of Elijah, which will turn your heart to your spouse, to your children, and to your forebears.You will love your family with a deeper love than you have loved before.Your heart will be turned to your fathers, and theirs to you.You will be endowed with power from on high as the Lord has promised.You will receive the key of the knowledge of God. You will learn how you can be like Him. Even the power of godliness will be manifest to you. (See D&C 84:19–20.)You will be doing a great service to those who have passed to the other side of the veil. Your work will enable them to be “judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit” (President Spencer W. Kimball, Come to the Temple, Liahona, June 1992, )

To me there is nothing that bonds families together more than through temple blessings.

 "There is nothing that … will come into your family as important as the sealing blessings. There is nothing more important than honoring the marriage and family covenants you … will make in the temples of God".(President Henry B. Eyring, A Focus on Faith, New Era 2012 )

I had to include this quote because my wedding anniversary is April 3rd.

"Imagine my surprise and delight when the father told me in church that the sealing is set for April 3. That was the day in 1836 when Elijah, the translated prophet, was sent to the Kirtland Temple to give the sealing power to Joseph Smith and to Oliver Cowdery. Those keys reside in the Church today and will continue to the end of time". (President Henry B. Eyring, Families under Covenant, General Conference, April 2012,

 The covenants that we make in the temple need to be nourished and observed throughout our entire marriage.

"When a couple is kneeling at the altar, as a sealer I am aware of my role as a representative of the Lord. I know that what is sealed on earth is literally sealed in heaven—never to be broken if those being sealed remain faithful and endure to the end.I have observed over the years many couples who have been able to maintain strong and vital marriages as they remain true to the covenants they take upon themselves in the temple". (Elder Robert D. Hales, Blessings of the Temple, BYU Devotional, Nov. 2005, )

Attending the temple can bring more joy to our life because we are living the commandments.

" It may appear to you at times that those out in the world are having much more fun than you are. Some of you may feel restricted by the code of conduct to which we in the Church adhere. My brothers and sisters, I declare to you, however, that there is nothing which can bring more joy into our lives or more peace to our souls than the Spirit which can come to us as we follow the Savior and keep the commandments. That Spirit cannot be present at the kinds of activities in which so much of the world participates. The Apostle Paul declared the truth: “The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.” The term natural man can refer to any of us if we allow ourselves to be so". (President Thomas S. Monson, Stand in Holy Places, General Conference, Oct 2011, )

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Quotes on Joy in Journey:

I loved this quote and the wisdom that it gives. Work really can bring some much joy to our lives.

"Work is therapy for the soul. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the gospel of work. I believe that much idleness we experience comes from misunderstanding the Atonement of the Lord. We cannot simply sit around and do nothing and expect to be successful in spiritual or temporal things. We need to do all that is in our power to accomplish our goals, and the Lord will make up the difference" (Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin, Lessons Learned in the Journey of Life, BYU Fireside, Nov. 1999 )

This quote is short, and sweet but very powerful!

"Do not procrastinate a minute longer. Every moment is precious. Determine now that you will make of your lives something remarkable!" (Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin, Lessons Learned in the Journey of Life, BYU Fireside, Nov. 1999 )

I felt that this quote was important to add because it reminds me that life here on Earth is too short to not enjoy.

 "This is our one and only chance at mortal life—here and now. The longer we live, the greater is our realization that it is brief. Opportunities come, and then they are gone. I believe that among the greatest lessons we are to learn in this short sojourn upon the earth are lessons that help us distinguish between what is important and what is not. I plead with you not to let those most important things pass you by as you plan for that illusive and nonexistent future when you will have time to do all that you want to do. Instead, find joy in the journey—now". (President Thomas S. Monson, Finding Joy in the Journey, General Conference, Oct. 2008 )

This quote tells me that the way to finding joy is to strive every day to fill my life with the things that matter most.

"Despite the changes which come into our lives and with gratitude in our hearts, may we fill our days—as much as we can—with those things which matter most. May we cherish those we hold dear and express our love to them in word and in deed".(President Thomas S. Monson, Finding Joy in the Journey, General Conference, Oct. 2008 )

As a mother, I have the ability to make my home a house where everyone can feel joy. This quote explains what needs to be done in our homes in order to feel that happiness.

"Let us make our homes sanctuaries of righteousness, places of prayer, and abodes of love that we might merit the blessings that can come only from our Heavenly Father. We need His guidance in our daily lives". (President Thomas S. Monson, To Learn, to Do, to Be, General Conference, Oct. 2008 )

I love this quote.  Comparing and not feeling adequate is something that I wrestle with but having a knowledge that God loves me and knows that I am not perfect helps me to find the joy in my life.

"I want to tell you something that I hope you will take in the right way: God is fully aware that you and I are not perfect.Let me add: God is also fully aware that the people you think are perfect are not.
And yet we spend so much time and energy comparing ourselves to others—usually comparing our weaknesses to their strengths. This drives us to create expectations for ourselves that are impossible to meet. As a result, we never celebrate our good efforts because they seem to be less than what someone else does.
Everyone has strengths and weaknesses.It’s wonderful that you have strengths.And it is part of your mortal experience that you do have weaknesses".
 (Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Forget Me Not, General Relief Society Meeting, Sept. 2011 )

A key to having joy in this life is by making sacrifices in the right areas.

"Dedicating some of our time to studying the scriptures or preparing to teach a lesson is a good sacrifice. Spending many hours stitching the title of the lesson into homemade pot holders for each member of your class perhaps may not be.Every person and situation is different, and a good sacrifice in one instance might be a foolish sacrifice in another". (Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Forget Me Not, General Relief Society Meeting, Sept. 2011 )

The perfect advice on how to have joy in this life.  It is about finding the beauty of each day.
" Never stop striving for the best that is within you. Never stop hoping for all of the righteous desires of your heart. But don’t close your eyes and hearts to the simple and elegant beauties of each day’s ordinary moments that make up a rich, well-lived life". (Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Forget Me Not, General Relief Society Meeting, Sept. 2011 )

Trials are a part of life and help us to appreciate the joy and happiness in our journey.

"The scriptures tell us there must be opposition in all things, for without it we could not discern the sweet from the bitter.  Would the marathon runner feel the triumph of finishing the race had she not felt the pain of the hours of pushing against her limits? Would the pianist feel the joy of mastering an intricate sonata without the painstaking hours of practice?  In stories, as in life, adversity teaches us things we cannot learn otherwise. Adversity helps to develop a depth of character that comes in no other way. Our loving Heavenly Father has set us in a world filled with challenges and trials so that we, through opposition, can learn wisdom, become stronger, and experience joy".(Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Your Happily Ever After, General Young Womens Broadcast, Mar. 2010 )

Ultimately, it is our Heavenly Father that can help us in our search for joy and happiness.  The joy we find in our journeys can only come from following our Heavenly Fathers plan.
"We all search for happiness, and we all try to find our own “happily ever after.” The truth is, God knows how to get there! And He has created a map for you; He knows the way. He is your beloved Heavenly Father, who seeks your good, your happiness. He desires with all the love of a perfect and pure Father that you reach your supernal destination. The map is available to all. It gives explicit directions of what to do and where to go to everyone who is striving to come unto Christ and “stand as [a witness] of God at all times and in all things, and in all places. All you have to do is trust your Heavenly Father. Trust Him enough to follow His plan".(Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Your Happily Ever After, General Young Women's Broadcast, Mar. 2010 )

Quotes on Tithing:

I like this quote because it tells of the blessing of peace that we can receive when we pay a full tithe.

"One of the great blessings of tithing is confidence in what the future holds. Whatever our circumstances may be, things will work out for the best. As we keep our promises, He will keep His. A feeling of peace is one of the great blessings of paying a full tithe".

(President Henry B. Eyring, The Blessings of Tithing, Liahona, June 2011)

I chose this quote because paying tithing is not always easy to do, but this quote explains that things will work out if we pay it.

"So one of the great blessings of tithing is confidence in what the future holds. Whatever our circumstances may be, things will work out for the best. As we keep our promises, He will keep His. A feeling of peace is one of the great blessings of paying a full tithe. Those who have kept the commandment of tithing can testify that the blessing of peace is real and precious".

(President Henry B. Eyring, The Blessings of Tithing, Liahona, June 2011)

This is a great story about Elder Oak's mother, and her strong faith in tithing.

 "My mother was a widow, with a large family to provide for. One spring when we opened our potato pits she had her boys get a load of the best potatoes, and she took them to the tithing office; potatoes were scarce that season. I was a little boy at the time, and drove the team. When we drove up to the steps of the tithing office, ready to unload the potatoes, one of the clerks came out and said to my mother, "Widow Smith, it's a shame that you should have to pay tithing." . . . My mother turned upon him and said: "William, you ought to be ashamed of yourself. Would you deny me a blessing? If I did not pay my tithing, I should expect the Lord to withhold His blessings from me. I pay my tithing, not only because it is a law of God, but because I expect a blessing by doing it. By keeping this and other laws, I expect to prosper and to be able to provide for my family. Some people say, 'I can't afford to pay tithing.' Those who place their faith in the Lord's promises say, 'I can't afford not to pay tithing". 
(Elder Dallin H. Oaks, Ensign, May 1994, pg 34)

This quote testify's that when we pay tithing, we are putting our faith in, and relying solely on the Lord.
"Tithing develops and tests our faith. By sacrificing to the Lord what we may think we need or want for ourselves, we learn to rely on Him. Our faith in Him makes it possible to keep temple covenants and receive eternal temple blessings". (Elder Robert D. Hales, Tithing: A Test of Faith with Eternal Blessings, Ensign November 2002, pg 26-27)

Hands down this is one of my favorites on tithing.

"Do you want the windows of heaven opened to you? Do you wish to receive blessings so great there is not room enough to receive them? Always pay your tithing and leave the outcome in the hands of the Lord." (Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin, Earthly Debts, Heavenly Debts, Ensign 2004, pg, 41)

I chose this quote because it tells of the importance of teaching our children about paying tithing.

“Too often we as parents do not teach and encourage our children to live this law because their contribution only amounts to a few cents. But without a testimony of tithing, they are vulnerable. In their teenage years, they become attracted to clothes, entertainment, and expensive possessions and risk losing the special protection that tithing provides.” (Elder Robert D. Hales, Tithing: A Test of Faith with Eternal Blessings, Ensign, Nov. 2002, pg 28-29)

I love this story!  This shows the importance of paying a full and honest tithe.

"As a young man recently returned from his mission, he found the girl he wanted to marry. They were happy, but very poor.
"Then came a particularly difficult time when their food and money ran out. It was a Saturday, and the cupboard was literally bare. Rene felt distraught that his young wife was hungry. He decided he had no other choice than to use their tithing money and go purchase food.
As he was leaving the house, his wife stopped him and asked him where he was going. He told her he was going to buy food. She asked him where he got the money. He told her that it was the tithing money. She said, 'That is the Lord's money--you will not use that to buy food.' Her faith was stronger than his. He put the money back, and they went to bed hungry that night.
"The next morning they had no breakfast, and they went to church fasting. Rene gave the tithing money to the bishop, but he was too proud to tell the bishop that they were in need.
"After the meetings he and his wife left the chapel and started to walk home. They hadn't gone very far when a new member called to them from his house. This man was a fisherman and told them he had more fish than he could use. He wrapped five little fish in a newspaper for them, and they thanked him. As they continued to walk home, they were stopped by another member who gave them tortillas; then someone else stopped them and gave them rice; another member saw them and gave them beans" (President Gordon B. Hinckley, In the Arms of His Love, Ensign, Nov. 2006 v/index.jsp?vgnextoid=f318118dd536c010VgnVCM1000004d82620aRCRD&locale=0&sourceId=05eb88f17feae010VgnVCM100000176f620a____&hideNav=1 )

Another story about Elder Oaks and his mothers faithfulness to paying a full tithe.  This is the attitude that I want to be  know for.

"When I became conscious that we went without some desirable things because we didn’t have enough money, I asked my mother why she paid so much of her salary as tithing. I have never forgotten her explanation: “Dallin, there might be some people who can get along without paying tithing, but we can’t because we are poor. The Lord has chosen to take your father and leave me to raise you children. I cannot do that without the blessings of the Lord, and I obtain those blessings by paying an honest tithing. When I pay my tithing, I have the Lord’s promise that He will bless us, and we must have those blessings if we are to get along.” (Elder Dallin H. Oaks, The Gospel Culture, Liahona, Mar. 2012 )

I love this quote because it shows that when we keep the commandments, we will be blessed for it.
"Tithing is a commandment with a promise. The words of Malachi, reaffirmed by the Savior, promise those who bring their tithes into the storehouse that the Lord will “open … the windows of heaven, and pour [them] out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it". (Elder Dallin H. Oaks, The Gospel Culture, Liahona, Mar. 2012 )

This quote tells me that by doing what I know is right and paying a full tithe, I can be blessed with a stronger feeling of hope.

"We learn to cultivate hope the same way we learn to walk, one step at a time. As we study the scriptures, speak with our Heavenly Father daily, commit to keep the commandments of God, like the Word of Widsom, and to pay a full tithing, we attain hope.  We grow in our ability to “abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost,  as we more perfectly live the gospel. There may be times when we must make a courageous decision to hope even when everything around us contradicts this hope".
(President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, The Infinite Power of Hope, General Conference Address, October 2008 )