Wednesday, May 6, 2015


 The Beatitudes

The word blessed didn't mean what I thought that it meant.  When I think of blessings, I usually think of a monetary or physical increase of some sort.  For example, I think of being blessed with good health, a comfortable job, or a strong testimony. Each of these examples represent a thing, but in reality a blessing, or being blessed, means to have happiness or to enjoy happiness. Having a comfortable job, or good health can bring happiness but the definition of being blessed is more of a state of mind than a physical thing.

With this definition in mind, it makes the Beatitudes spoken by Christ a little more understandable.  Each of these "blessed are" statements are a state of mind, a feeling in the heart, or a call to action that will merit a feeling of happiness.  This is turn is what a true blessing is.

"Blessed Are They Which Do Hunger and Thirst after Righteousness”

I remember feeling this way when I first began to understand the gospel.  I was converted to the gospel during my youth.  I had been raised with very little knowledge of God or Jesus Christ. My mother had taught me to be a good person, and had taught me about the importance of being this value but I was missing the example that is provided by Jesus Christ as well as the knowledge of the gospel.  When I started to attend church, I remember that I could not get enough.  I had such a deep desire to know more and more, and my focus of wanting to become a good person gave me a more narrowed focus.  I wanted to be a good person because I knew that I was being obedient to Heavenly Father's plan.  I felt this same desire to thirst after righteousness when I took the Book of Mormon class through BYU-I.  I had read the Book of Mormon several times, but the depth and the study material were so great!  I found myself thirsting after the principles and the knowledge that was contained in the book.  That class really blessed my life because it opened my eyes to the joy and happiness that studying the scriptures can bring.

 “Blessed Are the Meek”

This is a character trait that I am striving for.  I know that the blessing of being meek can bless my life tremendously.  In the world around us, meekness can sometimes be viewed as being weak. In a world that can be so rough and cold the characteristic of being gentle and kind can often be overlooked as a trait that one should possess.  Those that are truly meek are easy to teach.  Being easy to teach is an important because the spirit is allowed to teach and mold.  There is a man in my ward that I've known for several years.  He is filled with knowledge of the gospel.  I often think that if I had a quarter of his knowledge, I'd feel like I was doing pretty well.  Not only is he knowledgeable, he is the most humble and meek man that I've ever known.  He doesn't use his knowledge to by showy in any way.  He uses it to help others, and has a continued desire to know more. Because of this, his knowledge is able to grow.  He is willing to let others, as well as the spirit teach him.  When we talk of being forever learners, I believe this is what the Lord had in mind.  We can sometimes be our own enemy when we think that we know all that there is to know.  We hinder the Lord's teachings.

 “Blessed Are the Merciful”

When I reflect on being merciful to others, I think about how the Lord is going to treat me.  I know that he is merciful, and he has forgiven and will continue to forgive me in my shortcomings.  Because of this, why would I know do the same to others.  I know that when I forgive the negative feelings that can consume me are replaced with feelings of peace and contentment.  In the past, I've had to forgive others for the wrongs that they have inflicted upon me. When my parents divorced, my mother remarried a not so great guy.  He really wreaked havoc on my family, and caused a lot of grief and pain.  For years I held onto this anger that I felt for him.  I didn't feel that he deserved mercy in any way.  I can honestly say that I hated him.  Over time, I realized that this was not my weight to carry.  My job was to show mercy and let the Lord deal with the justice part. As I let go of the feelings of anger, hate, and sadness the blessing of peace, love, and well-being came into my heart.  My life was blessed because I was able to let go, and be merciful. 

After studying the Beatitudes this week, I can see how these traits are the blessings in our life.  When we thirst and hunger after righteousness, become meek, and are merciful to others our lives are blessed with happiness. It is the kind of happiness that is not momentary but a happiness that this everlasting and pure.  It can provide and overwhelming feeling of well-being and delight.

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