I chose this quote because we know that life is not easy and neither is repentance. It takes effort on our part.
"No pain will last
forever. It is not easy, but life was never meant to be either easy or fair.
Repentance and the lasting hope that forgiveness brings will always be worth the effort". (Elder Boyd K. Packer, And a Little Child Shall Lead Them, General Conference, April 2012,http://www.lds.org/general-conference/2012/04/and-a-little-child-shall-lead-them?lang=eng&query=no+pain+will+last+foreve )
Jesus gave the ultimate sacrifice and I can make sacrifices in my life as well.
"Jesus also commands each of us to love and serve one another—in effect, to offer a small imitation of His own sacrifice by making sacrifices of our own time and selfish priorities". ( Elder Dallin H.Oaks, Sacrifice, General Conference, April 2012)http://www.lds.org/general-conference/2012/04/sacrifice?lang=eng
"Jesus also commands each of us to love and serve one another—in effect, to offer a small imitation of His own sacrifice by making sacrifices of our own time and selfish priorities". ( Elder Dallin H.Oaks, Sacrifice, General Conference, April 2012)http://www.lds.org/general-conference/2012/04/sacrifice?lang=eng
I need to make sure that my desires are righteous.
"Desires dictate our priorities, priorities shape our choices, and choices determine our actions. The desires we act on determine our changing, our achieving, and our becoming". (Elder Dallin H. Oaks, Desire, General Conference, April 2011) http://www.lds.org/general-conference/2011/04/desire?lang=eng
Desires lead to choices. Choosing righteous desires will allow for less repentance.
“When people are described as ‘having lost their desire for sin,’ it is they, and they only, who deliberately decided to lose those wrong desires by being willing to ‘give away all [their] sins’ in order to know God.” (Elder Neal A. Maxwell, According to The Desires of our Hearts, Ensign, November 1996) http://www.lds.org/ensign/1996/11/according-to-the-desire-of-our-hearts?lang=en
Repentance will help me to become more Christlike.
"God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, but we are not. Each day, ours is the challenge to access the power of the Atonement so that we can truly change, become more Christlike, and qualify for the gift of exaltation and live eternally with God, Jesus Christ, and our families. For these powers, privileges, and gospel gifts, thanks be to God"! (Elder Russell M. Nelson, Thanks be to God, General Conference, April 2012) http://www.lds.org/general-conference/2012/04/thanks-be-to-god?lang=eng
"God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, but we are not. Each day, ours is the challenge to access the power of the Atonement so that we can truly change, become more Christlike, and qualify for the gift of exaltation and live eternally with God, Jesus Christ, and our families. For these powers, privileges, and gospel gifts, thanks be to God"! (Elder Russell M. Nelson, Thanks be to God, General Conference, April 2012) http://www.lds.org/general-conference/2012/04/thanks-be-to-god?lang=eng
I chose this quote because I cannot have tolerance for sin.
“We must recognize that there is a difference between tolerance and tolerate. Your gracious tolerance for an individual does not grant him or her license to do wrong, nor does your tolerance obligate you to tolerate his or her misdeed”. (Elder Russell M.Nelson, What is Tolerance?, New Era, March 2011) http://www.lds.org/liahona/2011/03/what-is-tolerance?lang=eng
Our own Disobedience can lead to trials but the Atonement can bring us back to the path.
"Recently . . . I encountered a large temporary sign declaring Rough Road Ahead, and indeed it was. Had I not been warned, that experience would have been disastrous. Life is like that. It's full of rough spots. Some are tests to make us stronger. Others result from our own disobedience. . . . Each one of us encounters unique challenges meant for growth". (Elder Richard G. Scott, Finding Forgiveness, New Era, Mar 2010) http://www.lds.org/new-era/2010/03/finding-forgiveness?lang=eng
"Recently . . . I encountered a large temporary sign declaring Rough Road Ahead, and indeed it was. Had I not been warned, that experience would have been disastrous. Life is like that. It's full of rough spots. Some are tests to make us stronger. Others result from our own disobedience. . . . Each one of us encounters unique challenges meant for growth". (Elder Richard G. Scott, Finding Forgiveness, New Era, Mar 2010) http://www.lds.org/new-era/2010/03/finding-forgiveness?lang=eng
The atonement is for everyone to partake of.
“The truth is that we all need repentance. If we are capable of reason and past the age of eight, we all need the cleansing that comes through applying the full effects of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.”
, Do Not Delay, Ensign, Nov. 1999) http://www.lds.org/ensign/1999/11/do-not-delay?lang=eng“The truth is that we all need repentance. If we are capable of reason and past the age of eight, we all need the cleansing that comes through applying the full effects of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.”
Repentance allows us to be with our Heavenly Father again.
“Each of us has made mistakes, large or small, which if unresolved will keep us from the presence of God. For this reason, the atonement of Jesus Christ is the single most significant event that ever has or ever will occur. This selfless act of infinite consequence, performed by a single glorified personage, has eternal impact in the life of every son and daughter of our Father in Heaven—without exception.” (Elder Richard G. Scott, Finding Forgiveness, New Era, Mar 2010) http://www.lds.org/new-era/2010/03/finding-forgiveness?lang=eng
“Each of us has made mistakes, large or small, which if unresolved will keep us from the presence of God. For this reason, the atonement of Jesus Christ is the single most significant event that ever has or ever will occur. This selfless act of infinite consequence, performed by a single glorified personage, has eternal impact in the life of every son and daughter of our Father in Heaven—without exception.” (Elder Richard G. Scott, Finding Forgiveness, New Era, Mar 2010) http://www.lds.org/new-era/2010/03/finding-forgiveness?lang=eng
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