Choices are part of the plan but they do require effort.
"You live in a time of great challenges and
opportunities. As spirit sons of heavenly parents, you are free to make
the right choices. This requires hard work, self-discipline, and an
optimistic outlook, which will bring joy and freedom into your life now
and in the future."
"See the End from the Beginning," Ensign, May 2006,Faith is required in making choice and exercising our agency.
"There are times when we have to step into the darkness in faith, confident that God will place solid ground beneath our feet once we do". (President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, The Why of Priesthood Service, General Conference, April 2012)
Great Quote by President Monson.
"When we are on the Lords errand, we are entitled to the Lord's help."(President Thomas S. Monson, To Do, To Learn, To Be, General Conference, Oct 2008)
This is a good model to base decisions on.
"Make every decision you contemplate pass this test: “What does it do to me? What does it do for me?” And let your code of conduct emphasize not “What will others think?” but rather “What will I think of myself?” Be influenced by that still, small voice". (President Thomas S. Monson, Believe, Obey and Endure, Liahona, May 2012)
Making good choices will bring great joy.
"Agency used righteously allows light to dispel the darkness and enables us to live with joy and happiness". (Elder Robert D. Hales, To Act for Ourselves, General Conference, April 2006)
If we don't make exercise our agency, Satan can have power of us.
" In these latter days, as in the times of old, we must avoid being acted upon by acting for ourselves to avoid evil. The Holy Ghost will prompt us." (Elder Robert D. Hales, To Act for Ourselves, General Conference, April 2006)
“Agency—our power to choose—is fundamental to the gospel plan that brings us to earth. God does not intervene to forestall the consequences of some persons’ choices in order to protect the well-being of other persons—even when they kill, injure, or oppress one another—for this would destroy His plan for our eternal progress (compare Alma 42:8). He will bless us to endure the consequences of others’ choices, but He will not prevent those choices (compare Mosiah 24:14–15).” (Elder Dallin H. Oaks, Eight Reasons for Revelation, Liahona, Sept. 2004)
"We tend to think of agency as a personal matter.
If we ask someone to define 'moral agency,' the answer will probably be
something like this: 'Moral agency means I am free to make choices for
myself.' Often overlooked is the fact that choices have consequences; we
forget also that agency offers the same privilege of choice to others.
At times we will be affected adversely by the way other people choose to
exercise their agency. Our Heavenly Father feels so strongly about
protecting our agency that he allows his children to exercise it, either
for good or for evil."
"Endowed with agency, you and I are agents, and we
primarily are to act and not just be acted upon. To believe that
someone or something can make us feel offended, angry, hurt, or bitter
diminishes our moral agency and transforms us into objects to be acted
upon. As agents, however, you and I have the power to act and to choose
how we will respond to an offensive or hurtful situation."
"And Nothing Shall Offend Them," Ensign, Nov. 2006,
"The way to exaltation is not a freeway featuring
unlimited vision, unrestricted speeds, and untested skills. Rather, it
is known by many forks and turnings, sharp curves, and controlled
speeds. Our driving ability is being put to the test. Are we ready?
We’re driving. We haven’t passed this way before. Fortunately, the
Master Highway Builder, even our Heavenly Father, has provided a road
map showing the route to follow. He has placed markers along the way to
guide us to our destination."
"Crisis at the Crossroads," New Era, Nov. 2002,
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