Friday, July 10, 2015


Image of a paiting of Christ suffering in Gethsemane.

The suffering that the Savior endured in the garden of Gethsemane is beyond my comprehension.  I can fully understand the anguish that he felt, having felt pain myself, however the extent of his pain is more than I can understand.  My heart is heavy as I have studied and read about the pains that he felt that evening in the garden. Here is a little of what the Savior experienced:

Suffered pain and affliction and temptations of every kind.
Took upon him death
As he entered the garden, he began to be sorrowful and very heavy
he said "my sold is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death"
he fell on his face (sign of his physical body being weak?)
stated "O my father, if this cup may not pass away from me, except I drink it, thy will be done."
he is at hand that doth betray me
began to be sore amazed and be very heavy
prayed that "if it were possible, the hour might pass from him"
being in agony
his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground
suffered temptations, pain of body, hunger, thirst, and fatigue even more than man can suffer, except it be death
blood from every pore
so great shall be this anguish
and he will take upon him pains, sicknesses and infirmities of his people
suffering that caused him and God the greatest pain of all
tremble with pain, bled from every pore, suffered both body and spirit.

The Garden of Gethsemane was a grove of olive trees where the Savior frequently visited. In ancient times an offering would be given to the Lord by sacrificing their male sheep or other animal.  The Savior's sacrifice in the garden seems symbolic of this covenant.  He gave himself as a sacrifice on my behalf, to the father.  Olives are also used for oil, and once they are pressed, the liquid that first excretes from them is red in color.  This is also representative of the blood that the Savior bled from every pore that night. 

It seems that the Savior brought with him a couple of his apostles for support.  I can imagine that the Savior felt human emotions such as fear, nervousness, and worry as he knew what was waiting before him.  After he left his disciples, he went further into the garden and then returned to see his disciples sleeping. The Savior makes the statement that "the spirit is strong but the flesh is weak."  This is a good example that we must be willing to overcome our flesh and the worldly temptations that are presented to us that will entice our body. The reminder that the spirit can overcome through it's strength gives hope to know that we can overcome temptations that try to overtake our body.

After studying about the suffering that the Savior experienced in the Garden of Gethsemane it has made me realize that I must be willing to fulfill whatever the Lord's plan is for me regardless of how taxing it is mentally, emotionally, or physically. I also gained a deeper respect for what the Savior suffered and I understand more fully how wonderful the gift of repentance is. The Savior asked the father "if this cup may not pass away from me, except I drink it, thy will be done."  Not only does this show that the Savior was willing to fulfill his purpose, to me it also shows that the Savior was asking the Father if there was another way.  The father could not intervene, but he could also not bare to see his son suffering so he sent an angel to comfort him for a time. With time the angel had to depart as well, leaving the Savior alone to suffer this unbelievable anguish and pain.  I am forever indebted to my Savior for his sacrifice.  I am eternally grateful that because of him, I have been granted the opportunity to be forgiven.  He bled and suffered for sins that I have done as well as those that I have yet to commit.  That is extremely humbling and knowing what he suffered, makes me never want to do wrong again.  I am committed to following his example, and I know that my obedience to him can be a small repayment for his sacrifice. I know that he suffered extreme pain beyond anything that I can ever understand for each of his children. He loves us! He knows us! and He wants us to partake of the gift that he has given.

Friday, July 3, 2015

What reason is given for why the woman anointed the Savior with “very precious” (costly) ointment? What does Mark 14:8 imply that she understood? (see also Mark 9:31–32).
    • What reason is given for why the woman anointed the Savior with “very precious” (costly) ointment? What does Mark 14:8 imply that she understood? (see also Mark 9:31–32). The ointment that the woman used was commonly used to prepare a body after death.  The woman understood that the Savior's days were limited and that soon he would no longer be living.

    • Why did some of the disciples feel indignant and call her action a “waste”? Some of the disciples felt that because the ointment was so costly, it could have been used to help the poor.  The ointment was equal to a years salary and I'm sure that the apostles viewed this act as a waste knowing that he Savior cared very little about money or worldly goods. 

    • The Savior said that the woman had “wrought a good work” and that wherever the gospel would be preached, the woman’s deed would “be spoken of for a memorial of her” (Mark 14:6, 9). What did the woman do that made it an act worthy of the Savior’s praise and our remembrance? How is the woman an example to you? Write a paragraph describing some ways that you could give the Lord something valuable. (see Matthew 25:40).
             This woman accepted that the Savior was going to die.  She was the first person to              acknowledge that his death was looming. The woman is an example to me because of her generosity. She showed her love and compassion towards the Savior and it was her way of showing how much she cared for the Savior.  As I don't have this same opportunity, I can show the Savior how much I love him through my obedience.  I remember reading a quote somewhere that our agency is the only gift that we can give to the Lord.  It is through making righteous choices that we can show our dedication and deep respect to the Lord.  I can also give the Lord my time.  I think it's so important to manage our time wisely and use it to do better ourselves and those around us.  There are many opportunities to serve our fellow brothers and sisters as well as our families.  To someone else, they may not think of time as a valuable commodity, but since I feel like I'm always limited with time it is valuable to me.  I know that as I use my agency in a righteous way and also give of my time in service, I can show my love and dedication to the Savior.