I love this picture of the Savior. It reminds me of peace as well as the fact that he is always a watchful keeper of his brothers and sisters. It is especially comforting to think of the Savior in this light in contrast to his final days of his life. Although we know that his earthly death was part of his mission, it is still difficult to study the cruel manner in which he was treated as well as the betrayal he experienced and the pain that he suffered. As I studied the final days of the Savior, my eyes were welled with tears. I thought about how I would feel if I knew that it was the final week of my life, as well as knowing the cruel and evil manner that I was to die. I thought about what I would want to say to my loved ones as well as how I'd want to spend my final days. The Savior accomplished so much and continued his mission regardless of the doom of death that was looming near. He continued to teach, serve, and love. He spent time with those closest to him and didn't miss an opportunity to teach them what he wanted them to know. Not only were the teaching shared so that his apostles could continue his ministry, but I also saw them as loving advice for their own personal happiness.
I also reflected on how the Savior reached out for comfort. He was human. He experienced the same feelings that I have. He felt hurt, betrayal, grief, heartache yet he continued on. He cried out in prayer three times while in the Garden of Gethsemane and an angel was sent to comfort him. He also prayed for the men that he loved. Studying about the Savior's final days was humbling. It gives perspective to my life and how I should be living. In reality, the Savior didn't live much differently during the final week then he did over his years on the earth. I know that I too need to live each day in service, teaching, and loving my brothers and sisters. I should be working toward overcoming my short comings constantly, so that I can live a higher calling in life. I know my Savior lives! I know that he fulfilled his mission while here on earth and that he continues to fulfill his purpose in heaven. I know that as I mold my life after his, I can reach greater heights, will be used to build his kingdom and will have a deeper level of happiness.
Here is an overview of the Savior's final days:
7th Day-Sabbath
6th Day Mary anoints the Savior’s feet; and the
Chief priests conspire to kill Jesus and Lazarus
5th Day-Jesus teaches at the temple, enters into
Jerusalem on a donkey, Weeps of Jerusalem, and casts money changers out of the
temple for a second time.
4th- He curses the fig tree. At the mount of Olives he teaches his disciples about the destruction of Jerusalem as well as the signs
of his second coming, enemies try to trap Jesus in his words. He answers their
questions about Roman taxes, marriage and the resurrection and at the temple he
notices a widow donating a mite, warns of hypocrisy, gives the parable of the
ten virgins, the talents, and the sheep and the goats.
3rd-Tells his disciples he would be crucified in
two day, priests again conspire to kill him, he visits the house of Simon the
leper, a woman anoints Jesus in preparation for his death, Judas arranges to
betray Jesus to the chief priests.
2nd day (First day of unleavened bread) The
disciples prepare an upper room for the Passover meal, after sundown Jesus has
his last supper with his twelve apostles, he announces that one of his
disciples will betray him. Judas leaves the room. Jesus instituted the sacrament
At 9:00 pm Jesus washes the feet of the Apostles and the
disciples pledge their loyalty to him.
Teaches his disciples to love one another, testifies of his divinity and
teaches of the comforter, teaches his disciples of true vine, love, opposition,
and his imminent death, and offers a prayer praying to the father for his
apostles and all who believe in him through them. Jesus and his disciples leave
for the Mount of Olives then he and his disciples arrived at the Garden of
At Midnight: Jesus took Peter, James and John into the
garden, Jesus prays and an angel comforts him. Jesus found the three asleep and
prays for a second time. He bleeds from every pore; the three continue to sleep;
he prayed a third time and wakes his disciples. Judas betrays Jesus.
3am-Peter tries to stop the arrest of Jesus. Jesus heals the
ear of the high priest’s servant. He is arrested and the disciples flee.
6am-Caiaphas questions Jesus; an officer strikes Jesus in
the face.
Members of the ruling council question him, mock, spit and
beat Jesus.
Three times Peter denies knowing Jesus
At sunrise Jesus is questioned by the whole ruling council.
Judas hangs himself, Jesus declares that he is the Son of
God and is condemned to death. Jesus is led to the Roman hall of judgment,
Pilate questions Jesus and finds no fault in him, and Pilate sends Jesus to King
Herod Antipas, Herod questions and mocks Jesus and is sent back to Pilate.
Pilate offers to release Jesus but the people say to crucify him. Jesus was
whipped, had a crown of thorns placed on his head, was clothed in a purple robe,
and was beaten by Roman soldiers. Pilate sought again to release Jesus, but the
people wanted him crucified. Jesus was led to Golgotha and was nailed to the
cross. Soldiers cast lots for his clothes.
Noon- Jesus was mocked as he hung on the cross.
3:00pm Darkness covers the land for three hours, Jesus is
offered vinegar to drink, Jesus speaks his last words and dies. There’s an
earthquake and the veil of the temple was torn in half.
6:00pm- A roman soldier pierces Jesus’s side with a spear.
Great storms and earthquakes cause destruction in America.
Jewish Sabbath-Chief priests and Pharisees seal the tomb and
assign guards to watch it. While his body lay in the tomb, Jesus visits the
righteous in the spirit world.
First day of resurrection:
At Jesus’s resurrection the earth shakes and the angels
unseal the tomb. Righteous saints in the spirit world are resurrected. Some
women including Mary Magdalen find the tomb open, saw the angels, and run to
tell the disciples. Peter and John run to the tomb and find it empty. Jesus
appears to Mary Magdalene at the tomb. Jesus appears to Peter. Jesus appeared to other women. They testify
to the disciples of his resurrection. Jesus appears to tow disciples on the road
to Emmaus. At Jerusalem Jesus appears to a group of disciples; Thomas is not
one of them. Eight days later Jesus appears to Thomas and the other Apostles.
At the Sea of Galilee Jesus appeared to seven of his disciples. He said to
Peter feed my sheep. In Galilee Jesus appears to all 11 disciples. Forty days
after his resurrection, Jesus ascends into heaven from the Mount of Olives. Two
angels promise that Jesus would return in a like manner. Jesus then visits and teaches
the people in America. Jesus visits other lost sheep in the house of Israel.
I got the majority of this information here: https://www.lds.org/bc/content/shared/content/english/pdf/language-materials/09236_eng.pdf?lang=eng This is an excellent, excellent resource!