I am taking a New Testament class this semester and for one of my assignments I had the choice of starting a blog. I'm excited to have a record of the truths that I'll be learning during this class. I have entitled the blog "I Know My Savior Lives" because this statement is the cornerstone of my testimony. I know that through him, all things are possible. Because of him I am able to be forgiven for my sins and shortcomings. Because of him I am able to obtain eternal life. Because of him I was given life and am here on the Earth, and because of him I know how to live my life through his righteous example.
My first assignment was to write about 5 truths of the pre-mortal Christ as found in John 1 1-14. This is what I came up with.
1. All things were made by him; the Savior.
2. Grace and truth come through him.
3. Jesus taught the gospel in the beginning. (D&C 93: 6-8)
4. Jesus is the word. (I'll explain more what this means in a minute).
5. Jesus is the light that gives light to everyone that comes to Earth.
The next 5 statements have to do with
1. Part of Christs mission was to glorify his father.
2. Through him eternal life is possible.
3. In his mortality he had power over his flesh.
4. He was glorified by gaining Eternal life.
5. At the end of his earthly life he had finished and fulfilled his work here.
The next portion of the assignment was to define some of the many names that Christ is known by and define why they are important. These are the definitions:
The Word- According to Elder Nelson of the quorum of twelve apostles in Greek the word means expression. Expression was another name for the master. The word also means that Jesus Christ was the messenger of his father, to the world.
Immanuel- This title was a name given as a
Jehovah-This title was the proper name for the God of Israel. It means "unchangeable" and "the eternal I am". Jehovah is the pre-mortal Jesus Christ that came to Earth being born
Messiah-In Aramaic Messiah means the annointed. It signifies the deliverer whose coming the Jews were eagerly expecting. Messiah is also the Greek equivilant of Christ.
Christ-The definition of Christ that I found is who I know him to be. He was born in Bethlehem and lived a life free from sin. He gave his life as a sacrifice in order to atone for mankind. He was resurrected and lives today. Death was not his end. This is quoted from the Bible Dictionary. I wanted to put it into my own
Christ is my everything. Without him I would be lost. As the hymn "I Know My Savior Lives" states:
He lives, all glory to his name!
He lives, my Saviour, still the same;
I know that my Redeemer lives!